Generate Google Calendar Api Key

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  1. Nov 27, 2018  Generate API Key and OAth Client ID for Socila Logins Website URL: Angular Social Intergation
  2. Feb 07, 2019  Unlike most other Google APIs, the Google Calendar API doesn’t allow you to authenticate your requests using an API key. Instead, it expects an OAuth 2.0 authorization token. To be able to generate such a token from the server you’re running WordPress on, you’ll need a Google service account.
  3. Aug 22, 2016  Video guide to generate API Key and OAth Client ID for WordPress plugins Embed Any Document Plus and Drivr for Google Drive.
In order to help our customers with Google Maps integration, we have come up with a step-by-step tutorial on how to get a Google Maps API key fast and with minimum effort.


What is Google Maps API key?

Google Maps API key is used to access Google Maps API. Some applications or plugins using the capabilities of Google Maps require getting and adding an individual token. If you have one of these plugins, you should register on the Google API Console and get your own key.Google API key also allows for using capabilities offered by some services. Having an API key, you are given your individual free limit of user queries, according to your quota. This means your widget no longer has to share the usage limit with other widgets of the same origin and you may increase your limits if you need. Moreover, with Google Maps API key, you can monitor your queries and control them if necessary.

How to get a Google Maps API key?

To create your application's API key: Go to the API Console. From the projects list, select a project or create a new one. If the APIs & services page isn't already open, open the left side menu and select APIs & services. On the left, choose Credentials. Click Create credentials and then select API key.

Getting an API key is not complicated and just requires a couple of minutes of your time. In the process, you will need to create a billing account or use credentials of already existing one, which will be used for payment, in case you exceed your limits. So be prepared to have your billing data with you. Following 3 steps, described below, you will get your API key.

Video tutorial

Step 1 – Create your project

    1. To start the procedure, go to Google Maps Platform
    1. Press “Get Started” button and in the appeared window tick all three types of products. Press Continue.
    1. In the updated window, choose Select a project and enter project name in the box below. Then click Next.

Step 2 – Create a billing account

    1. In the updated window, click Create Billing Account.
  1. Create a name for you billing project and press Continue. Fill in the appeared form with your contact data and payment information and click Next.

Step 3 – Get your API key

    1. In the appeared window, you will be offered to enable your APIs. Press Next.
  1. You will see a new window with your API key in the box. Save the key to be able to use it and press Done.
The key may be applied to any widget related to Google Maps API. All you need to do is copy-paste the key to the plugin dashboard. For example, Elfsight Google Maps plugin for WordPress has a special API key tab with the box, where you need to insert your key.

Secure your API key

After your key is created, it’s recommended to restrict it to prevent unauthorized usage. Please, go to Google Cloud Platform Console and click on your key. In the appeared form, select “HTTP referrers (websites)” and enter your site domain name in the field below. If you are an Elfsight Apps user, also add * to be able to manage your widget from Elfsight Apps panel.

How do I handle my Google Maps usage limits?

When you get your Google Maps API key, you can set your daily quota for queries in the Google API console. Google Maps web APIs have 25,000 free requests per day, which means the service stays free during the day until you reach this number. If it is exceeded, you need to enable billing or buy a Premium Plan license to have a higher daily quota and allow for more queries.You can have more information concerning usage limits, higher quotas, billing and applying for increased limits on Google Maps API documentation page.

Using your key

So, getting your API key isn’t as difficult as it may sound, you need a couple of minutes and the work is done! We hope that our tutorial was helpful and now you can easily handle the task of having an API key. You can use your key in any Google Maps plugin, for example, Elfsight Google Maps widget is a perfect choice if you need a customizable map with various locations and option to create location lists. It allows to show maximum info about your business and has an automatic route calculation to attract more real-life visitors.

*An important note for Elfsight Google Maps users: make sure to add “” and the name of the domain, where you are going to use the widget, to the domain field. The field can be found by choosing HTTP reference option in the Application Restrictions menu.

Explore a map widget supporting Google Maps API key

Explore all the features and wide functionality of Elfsight Google Maps widget in a live demo.

In 2015 Google droppedsupportfor RSS feeds from its Calendar product. I am bad at Internet searchesand was not able to find the dozen projects that replace thisfunctionality, so I wrote my own.

This is a script that is intended to be run from a cronjob. It iswritten in Python 3 with lots of helper modules (requests, jinja2,dateutil ..). Note that since Google droppedsupportfor its shortening service, we are now using thepyshorteners libraryfor URL shortening. This library is licensed under the GPL3 (whichshould be okay, since the Apache 2.0 license is GPL3-compatible).

There is a second script called which willcreate the body of a plaintext email. You can use this to sendnewsletters about your events. There is a third script for generatingHTML bullet lists of events, but you probably do not want to use thatone.

You can see here the new SSH key is examplecomidrsa. Please be careful here, if you leave the default you may overwrite your existing key. Generate ssh key pair on mac software.

There is a third script that is called sends out tweets at random times about upcoming events. It ismoderately dangerous: first it generates tweet text and schedules themusing the at command. Then the at command launches a second scriptwhich (blindly!) tweets out the contents of the text. Don't use thisone in an untrusted environment.

There is a fourth script called which generates anHTML bullet list. This is probably not helpful for you, but it can beused to embed events on a webpage.


  • Generate a Google Calendar API key, as described below.
  • Use virtualenv to set up a Python 3 environment: virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
  • Activate the environment: source venv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Copy to and customize it to yourneeds.
  • Run or or

Generating an API key

  • Log into with a Google account(preferably the one that owns the Google calendar in question, butit does not really matter).
  • Create a new project.
  • Click on Enable API (or Library). Select the URL Shortener APIand enable it. Do the same for the Google Calendar API.
  • Click on Credentials, and then Create Credentials.
  • Create an API Key. Give it an appropriate name ('RSS/Newsletterkey'). Set the restriction to be IP Addresses, and enter the IPaddress of the host that will be running the scripts.

Generate Google Calendar Api Key Finder


Free Google Api Key

  • The code is probably not production ready (but we are deploying itanyways). Among other things there is notmuch test coverage. There are no error messages.
  • Because it uses an API key, you can only generate feeds for publiccalendars.
  • This project is colonialist: it has only been tested in English, inthe America/Toronto timezone.
  • This project sources a file that the end user canspecify on the commandline. This is really dangerous unless youtrust everybody who can run this script.
  • If you use a person's default calendar the title of the newsletterwill be the same as their email. The person will have to edit thename of the calendar in order for the scripts to display somethingsensible. (This is the 'summary' field returned by the API.)
  • By default we use the link shortener fornewsletters.